Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hypertension (Tekanan Darah Tinggi)

1. Definition
Hypertension is a condition where obtained blood pressure> 150/90 mm ​​Hg for more than 45 years of age or blood pressure> 130/80 mmHg at age < 45 years

2. Cause
a. Factor that can not be avoided: Heredity, Gender, Age
b. Factor that can be avoided: Obesity, Smoking and alcohol intake, Consumption of excess salt

3. Signs and Symptom: headache, seemed about to faint, blurred vision, fainting, go to fast to feel tired, increased blood pressure, chest pain and shortness of breath, ear buzzing, sleeplessness, droop on nape

4. Impact
Damage to organs such as brain, heart, eye, kidney failure, paralysis, organ motion (stroke)

5. Means of prevention

Regular diet, Exercise regularly, Stopping smoking, Drinking less coffee, Maintain stable weight, Avoiding stress

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Gastritis (Maag)

1. Definition
Gastritis is an inflammation that attacks the lining can be acute gastric mucosa can also be chronic.

2. Cause
• A diet that is incorrect or irregular
• Smoking
• Consumption of alcohol
• Drinking coffee
• Stress psychology
• Most of taking medications that stimulate gastric acid expenses (exp: antalgin, aspirin, dexametason)
3. Signs and Symptoms
• Heartburn
• Usually accompanied by abdominal cramps
• Fatigue, nausea, vomiting
• Pain in the stomach is full even though had not eaten
• Appetite tends to go down so the body tends to lean

4. Impact of gastritis
• Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that cause vomiting and dysentery
• Shock
• Injury to the gastric
• Can cause Ca Gastric (Stomach Cancer)
• Causes of anemia due to deficiency of vitamin B12 (found in eggs, fish, meat, milk)

5. Means of prevention
• Set a good diet and regular
• Eating foods that are clean, healthy and nutritious
• Avoid excessive stress (exp: exercise and close to God)
• Avoid foods that stimulate gastric apes (exp: eating spicy, sour and coffee)
• Adjust the diet according to nutritional needs.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Diabetes mellitus (kencing manis)

1. Definition
    A complex metabolic disorder because the body fails to respond to increased blood sugar levels.
    There are two types of diabetes mellitus, namely:
    a) Diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent
    b) Diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent tisak

2. Cause
     Abnormalities in cell betha, heredity, immune system disorders, viral infections, diet, stress, age, hormone insulin deficiency, pregnancy.

3. signs symptoms
    a) The typical symptoms are:
        * Many of the meals (polipagi)
        * Drink plenty of (polidipsi)
        * Many of urine (polyuria)
    b) A limp
    c) Tingling or itching, nausea, vomiting. easily tired
    d) Random glucose levels> 200 mg / L
    e) Fasting glucose levels> 126 mg / L

4. Complication
    a) Hypertension
    b) Glaucoma
    c) If there are injuries resulting in gangrene
    d) Urinary tract infections

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Fracture (Patah Tulang)

1. Understanding Fractures
Is the breakdown of bone tissue regularity that generally arise suddenly.

2. Causes of Fractures
a. Direct trauma
For example: collision on the forearm which causes fractures.
b. Indirect trauma
For example: fall rests on the hands that causes bones to break.

3. Signs and symptoms of Fractures
a. Continuous pain and gain weight
b. A change in shape from the original
c. Bone shortening occurred from the truth.
d. When checked palpable presence of rattlesnakes is called crepitus palpable bone due to friction between bones framen one another.
e. Local swelling and discoloration of the skin.

4. Fracture Healing
a. Fixation method
b. Such as: dressings, plaster cast, splint.
c. Operation: mounting pin.

5. Factors affecting healing and bone grafting
a. Age
b. Circulation and the presence of oxygen in tissues
c. Condition of the wound and bone pata
d. Health status and comorbidities
e. Personal hygiene or cleanliness of the wound
f. Nutritional foods that contain calcium
g. Activity

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Thursday, September 1, 2011


1. Definition
Cataract is a disease of the eye because the eye lens becomes cloudy and light can not menembusinya thus blocking the incoming light. Sight cataract patients to be impaired and might even be getting worse and blindness if not treated properly.

2. Factor Cause
Cataract occurs largely because the factor of old age (senile), but cataracts can also be caused by several other risk factors, such as:
1. Congenital cataracts are influenced by genetic factors
2. Traumatic cataract: caused by a history of trauma / injury to the eye.
3. Secondary cataract: caused by other diseases, such as disease / metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes in the eye, or diabetes (diabetes mellitus).
4. Cataracts are caused by exposure to radiation.
5. Cataracts are caused by the use of long-term medications such as corticosteroids and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

3. Signs and symptoms
Symptoms such as webbed eye lens, cloudy, or cloudy so the light can not enter and blurred vision.

4. Management
a) Pre Operation
Drug - a drug cataract eye drops, vitamins or anti-oxidants only hinder the process of increasing maturation of the cataract, but can not reduce or eliminate cataracts. Cataract surgery done if the vision has been disturbing the patient.
b) Post Operation
• Patients are asked not move much and avoid heavy lifting for one month
• Eyes closed for a few days and or protected with goggles or protective in the daytime
• Glasses permanent given for 6-8 weeks after surgery

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