Sunday, August 28, 2011


IIn general, women should keep the skin from a variety of disorders. Actions need to be addressed as follows:
1. Wash hands thoroughly before touching your face
2. Perform facial skin cleansing in the morning and evening: There needs to be at night - even if you did not makeup, because the face easily tainted by pollution. It should also be done in the morning, because your skin grease and dirt at night
3. At night, take the time to massage the skin to stimulate the exchange of circulation cells in the skin. Massage gently for two minutes to eliminate fatigue, relaxing face and give the skin brightness.
4. Multiply drinking water.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011


A state of pathological abnormalities of heart function so that the heart can not pump blood to meet the metabolic needs of tissues and or ability only if accompanied by an abnormal elevation of diastolic volumes.

2. Causes
  • Modern lifestyle
  • Obesity
  • The habit of consuming alcohol
  •  A diet containing lots of sodium (salty)
  • Having a history of hypertension
  • Smoking
  • Like fatty foods
  •  The habit of excessive coffee consumption
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Activity does not exercise regularly
3. Symptoms of Heart Failure
a) Shortness
b) Cough
c) Enlargement of the heart
d) Rhonkhi
e) Edema
f) Anorexia
g) Bloating
h) Ascites

4. Things to watch out for people
a) Immediately went to the hospital, clinic, doctor
b) For the examination of heart condition
c) Photos of thoracic
d) Examination of the ECG
e) Avoid fatty foods
f) Avoid smoking
g) Avoid drinking coffee
h) Avoid drinking alcohol
i) Reduce salty foods
j) Control of blood pressure
k) Diet low in calories when body fat
l) activity according to tolerance

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10 Tips to Healthy Diet

 1. Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
2. Eat 2 to 4 servings of protein foods each day
3. Eat at least 2 servings of fish rich in omega 3
4. Eat less fat
5. Reduce excessive sugar consumption
6. Choose fiber-rich carbohydrate material
7. Drink plenty of water (1.75 liters per day)
8. Consumption of milk, eggs and low fat yogurt
9. Reduce use of salt
10. Reduce consumption of fast food 

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Friday, August 26, 2011

TBC is?

Tuberculosis is a disease belonging to the infections caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis.

• Causes of Disease (TB)
TB disease is caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis, rod-shaped bacteria are resistant to acid and thus is also known as Acid Resistant Trunk (BTA).

• Mode of transmission of TB Disease
Transmission of TB is airborne tuberculosis Mikobakterium contaminated by the released / issued by the TB patient when coughing, these bacteria get into the lungs and come together to develop into many (especially in people who have low body resistance), even these bacteria also may have spread through the blood vessels or lymph nodes, causing infecting other organs such as brain, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, bone, lymph nodes and other although most lung is an organ.

• Symptoms of TB Disease
Symptoms of TB disease is classified into two parts, the general symptoms and specific symptoms.
1. Common symptoms (Systemic)
- Not very high fever that lasts longer, is usually felt at night with night sweats. Sometimes an attack of influenza-like fever and intermittent nature.
- Decreased appetite and weight.
- Coughing for more than 3 weeks (can be accompanied by blood).
- Feelings of not feeling (malaise), weakness.

2. Specific symptoms (Typical)
- Depending on which organs are affected, in case of partial bronchial obstruction (channel leading to the lungs) due to suppression of enlarged lymph nodes, will cause the sound "wheezing" sound accompanied by shortness of breath weakened.
- If there is pleural fluid dirongga (wrapping the lungs), may be accompanied by complaints of chest pain.
- When the bone, there will be symptoms such as infection of the bone at a time can form a channel and boils on the skin above it, in this estuary will discharge pus.
- In children can be about brains (layers of wrapping the brain) and is referred to as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), the symptoms are high fever, a decrease of consciousness and convulsions.

• Enforcement of the TB diagnosis
If a person suspected of suffering from or infected with tuberculosis, then there are some things that need to be done for the examination giving out a proper diagnosis, among others:

- Anamnesa both to patients and their families.
- Direct physical examination.
- Laboratory tests (blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid).
- Examination of anatomic pathology (PA).
- X-ray chest (thorax photo).
- And the tuberculin test.

• Treatment of TB Disease
Treatment for patients with TB disease will undergo a long process, which ranges from 6 months to 9 months or even more. TB disease can be cured if the patient regularly taking medication the doctor and improve her endurance with good nutrition.

During the treatment process, to find a better development then advised the patient to undergo either blood, sputum, urine, and X-ray or x-rays every 3 month. The drug is generally given is obtan Isoniazid and rifampin as a basic treatment for patients with tuberculosis, but because of the possibility of resistance to both drugs the doctor may decide to give additional drugs such as pyrazinamide and streptomycin sulfate or ethambutol HCL as a single entity known as' Triple Drug '.

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Cidera Kepala

1. Pengertian
  • Suatu Bentuk trauma yang mengenai kepala.
2. Penyebab
  • Kecelakaan lalu lintas
  • Perkelahian
  • Jatuh
  • Cidera karena olah raga
  • Terkena Pisau
  • terpukul atau terbentur
  • Luka memar
  • Perdarahan mata, Lubang telinga dan hidung
  • Nyeri
  • Pusing
  • Muntah
  • Amnesia
  • Kesadaran menurun
  • Kejang
3. Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan
  • Segera periksa pada petugas kesehatan
  • Pemeriksaan tingkat kesadaran
  • Pemeriksaan Radiologi (Foto Kepala, CT Scan, Angiorafi)
  • Pemeriksaan Laboratorium (BGA, Elektrolit, Fungsi lumbal, EEG)
4. Penatalaksaan
  • Pada cidera kepala ringan setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan diharapkan istirahat total kurang dari 2 x 24 jam.

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